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cover photo for Mouth Brood
Mouth Brood
Tue, Jan 28, 2:30 AM - 6:30 AM UTC
TPK Brewing Co., Southeast Hawthorne Boulevard, Portland, OR, USA
"The Biosphere has been buried in the glacier for millennia. You can’t see anything through the glass but leaves and mist and smears of algae. But something’s moving in there. Something’s clicking and humming and crying. Thousands of things. Millions." Inspired by the likes of Annihilation and Roadside Picnic, Amanda's interpretation of the Manifestus Omnivorous will speak to fans of investigative sci-fi horror. The LOCATION is an odd biosphere stuck in the icy mountains of the Kaskawulsh Glacier (Canada), where the characters must venture to collect specimens of unknown origins. Touch nothing and you're probably safe; start fiddling around and... die. Because the MONSTER is definitely something you don’t want to deal with. Includes alien fauna, otherworldly plants, devourers of MATTER and BONE, all amidst a hot & humid ecosystem trapped in the frozen Norths. Genre: Investigative Sci-Fi horror Content Warnings: Animals, bugs, fungus, plants and player characters all at risk of inflicting death and weirdness upon each other. We'll be using Liminal Horror to run the module. More info about Mouth Brood: More info about Liminal Horror:
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cover photo for Mouth Brood
Mouth Brood
Tue, Jan 28, 2:30 AM - 6:30 AM UTC
TPK Brewing Co., Southeast Hawthorne Boulevard, Portland, OR, USA
"The Biosphere has been buried in the glacier for millennia. You can’t see anything through the glass but leaves and mist and smears of algae. But something’s moving in there. Something’s clicking and humming and crying. Thousands of things. Millions." Inspired by the likes of Annihilation and Roadside Picnic, Amanda's interpretation of the Manifestus Omnivorous will speak to fans of investigative sci-fi horror. The LOCATION is an odd biosphere stuck in the icy mountains of the Kaskawulsh Glacier (Canada), where the characters must venture to collect specimens of unknown origins. Touch nothing and you're probably safe; start fiddling around and... die. Because the MONSTER is definitely something you don’t want to deal with. Includes alien fauna, otherworldly plants, devourers of MATTER and BONE, all amidst a hot & humid ecosystem trapped in the frozen Norths. Genre: Investigative Sci-Fi horror Content Warnings: Animals, bugs, fungus, plants and player characters all at risk of inflicting death and weirdness upon each other. We'll be using Liminal Horror to run the module. More info about Mouth Brood: More info about Liminal Horror:
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