Adventure Name: DDAL5 - 02 The Balck Road. This is an AL Tier 1 session. Please have Player characters between levels 1-4. New players can start at level 1 Robert T is the DM. (new to DM) Link to Adventurer's League Player's Guide can be found on the discord channel or on chat forum on Heylo. Event will occur in store at the Portland Game Store. The table is capped at seven players and will be the given to players on the Heylo list. Then, it goes to players on the waitlist (based on sign-up time), then walk-in players (based on first arrival). If you are late and haven't notified the DM before the start time, your seat will be given to the next person in line. The Portland Game Store does have a $5 fee per player, per session. Proof of vaccination or masks are not required, but they are encouraged. · The Portland Game Store, 922 North Killingsworth Street, Portland, OR, USA