Get fit and make new friends! Run, bike, swim, gym, and more included.
Who's up for a fitness challenge for February/March? The idea:
- 4 week challenge
- 2 to 4 teams of 5+ people each (people assigned to teams randomly)
- each person puts in $20
- winning team is the team with most workouts over the month (a run, swim, bike ride, or gym workout of 30 minutes minimum)
- winning team gets all the money in the pot for a celebration dinner
- bonus points awarded for workouts with 2 or more people present
For other specifics, we can discuss amongst those interested. A mix of Strava and Whatsapp (gps pins/photos) will be used to share workouts.
If any questions feel free to ask.
>>> Join our Heylo Community and RSVP "interested" if interested in more details for our February workout challenge. <<<